The latest AI Experts news
Meredith Whittaker
Description: Renowned researcher, Meredith is also founder and co-director of AI Now institute. She was the founder of the Open Research group at google. She was delighted with the "Union" that was to be set up at the digital giant Amazon, which aims to protect the rights of workers. She wrote a paper in Wired which exposes the current crisis in AI research following the ousting of Timnit Gebru from Google. -
Emily M. Bender
Description: Professor and Director, in Computer Assisted Linguistics, Emily works on multilingual grammar engineering. His papers are highly appreciated by the AI community, and feed the debates especially around the generalization faculties of GPT-3. Emily introduced expert Yejin Choinka to the very surprising concept of "web garbage English" discovered during her research on natural language processing. -
Rachel Thomas
Description: Rachel is a computer scientist who founded alongside expert Jeremy Howard. Specialized in ethical issues of AI; she is very concerned by the lack of diversity in the AI community, particularly with regard to the representativeness of women, she has numerous publications on the subject. Rachel criticized Google's Jeff Dean for turning down an interview with Ethical AI to explain the advertising process and censorship settings considered on Google's platforms. -
Yoav Goldberg
Description: Yoav is a researcher in natural language processing very present on social networks, he debates in particular on the impacts of researchers within the main creators of AI such as FAIR and Google. As well as more technical discussions with other AI experts such as Vincent Boucher and Yan Lecun. -
Rodney Brooks
Description: Former director of the Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT, Rodney is a renowned roboticist and technical director who strongly believes that all humans have extraordinary potential. He interacts a lot on social media with AI leaders; and refines its predictions on the arrival on the market of different types of robots. -
Andrej Karpathy
Description: Director of AI at Tesla, Andrej leads the team that set up Elon Musk's famous Tesla Autopilot. Andrej, is a specialist in neural networks, he frequented the biggest names in AI very early on, such as experts Fei Fei Lee or Andrew Ng. He is a former Open AI researcher and actively participates in AI debates on social media. -
Timothy Behrens
Description: Professor of computational neuroscience at the University of Oxford, Timothy is also the director of the "Wellcome Center for Integrative Neuroscience". In 2020, he associated the UK Life Sciences Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists, having been a finalist for this award in 2018 and 2019. -
Yejin Choi
Description: Yejin, is a Professor and Research Director specializing in natural language processing. She joined the Allen Institute for AI, where she conducts her research. She formed a knowledge base known as Atomic which is a common sense atlas for the machine, which was considered a competitor of GPT2. She was part of the speaker panel of the famous AI debate 2, her positions on the search for common sense were acclaimed by the entire community. Ouvrir dans Google Traduction -
Kyle Cranmer
Description: Physicist and Professor, Kyle is regulary on television, especially since his techniques made it possible to discover the Higgs Boson in 2012. Kyle applies machine learning techniques to particle science. He is recognized for addressing the present challenges of technology and making them accessible to all. He maintains many debates on the internet concerning the future of technology. -
Ida Momennejad
Description: Researcher in Artificial Intelligence at Microsoft, Ida is a specialist in reinforcement learning. She studies how we build models of our environment and use them for memorization, exploration and planning. She has built an algorithm capable of learning the structure of her environment with an approach that combines neural network, reinforcement learning, machine learning based on behavioral experience, fMRI and electrophysiology.