Yan GoodFellow

Profil AI Expert

AI spécialité: 
Neural Network
Deep Learning
Apprentissage Machine
Apprentissage par renforcement
Occupation actuelle: 
Researcher, Apple
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Inventeur des réseaux de neuronaux adverse , plus connu sous le nom de GAN, Yan a réalisé des contributions majeures dans le domaine du Deep Learning. La qualité des outils de deep fake maintenant disponible au grand public ne serait rien sans son apport. Ancien employé Google, il vend maintenant ses services à Apple.

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2025-02-09 23:24:27 If you’re interested in resources for staying safe from COVID, take our survey on how Public Health Action Network can best support you: https://t.co/s4nu3Dm51x

2025-02-05 02:21:38 RT @mblair: @DanielCardena @goodfellow_ian There isn't enough research money behind it solving Long Covid/MECFS. We are leaving people on…

2025-02-04 01:58:42 100% this. My kids are missing out on the majority of the benefit of having a dad because of Long COVID (mostly POTS for me) and it’s right at the age where they need one most https://t.co/f5FBrS0WS3

2025-02-01 01:59:16 Sign up for our newsletter! https://t.co/tv9o6nyQIQ

2025-01-28 19:02:21 @minguk_kang @dwf Ironically I shifted to fluid dynamics in 2022 (plasma simulation for fusion power) so we moved in opposite directions. Thanks for GigaGAN!

2025-01-28 01:59:13 The recording of the GAN test of time talk by @dwf is now publicly available: https://t.co/qus4NnTyKW

2025-01-24 22:03:26 @raj_krishnan_v Thanks

2025-01-24 01:33:55 @klmatter @davlindner Glad to hear you’ve improved somewhat, though obviously we’d both like to improve a lot more than that.

2025-01-13 20:57:14 South Bay people, are you able to see your GP in less than 2 months? Mine at PAMF almost always cancels same day and reschedules me for ~6 weeks later

2025-01-07 19:37:41 RT @alvelda: Wow. In failing to address or abate the ongoing COVID pandemic, we are damaging our own cognition 3x worse than the Roman Empi…

2025-01-02 18:36:21 @bryan_johnson A true Don’t Die ideology would require relentless focus on stopping the spread of COVID. I say this as someone who went from a fit mountain biker to totally disabled at 38 as a result of a single COVID infection.

2025-01-02 02:14:18 @Shon I tried betahistine very briefly in September and it seemed to make my Meniere’s symptoms worse, but it’s hard to tell with a fluctuating disease. Since I might have MCAS I’m nervous about betahistine’s effect on histamine synthesis in the CNS

2025-01-01 01:34:48 @Shon I still have not found a way to stabilize my Ménière’s disease. I still have serious trouble with insomnia, partly due to having to sleep sitting up for Ménière’s disease. This research looks good, but won’t be available as a treatment for me any time soon.

2024-12-27 05:19:46 @chitrader99 @GwenCheni Diagnosis by exclusion/ clinical judgement of my doctors, with the fluctuating audiograms being the most important piece of evidence

2024-12-15 00:28:52 @maier_ak @FreakyAvatar @SchmidhuberAI We actually did cite the paper that Juergen asked us to cite, from the very first NeurIPS camera ready version of the paper.

2024-12-15 00:27:15 @painted_now @SchmidhuberAI We actually did cite the paper that Juergen asked us to cite, and NeurIPS camera ready papers can’t be revised years later.

2024-12-14 17:49:07 @jeffdaniels I would prefer not to keep doing this, but Schmidhuber made a post accusing me of plagiarism yesterday. There’s no academic court where I can be tried and found guilty/ not guilty once and for all, though the opinion of the NeurIPS organizers should be clear.

2024-12-14 04:23:44 @guintherk I would argue Schmidhuber is taking credit away from the work that we actually built on. Everyone is aware of Schmidhuber’s accusations, few are aware I spent a significant amount of time working on NCE and talking with its authors.

2024-12-14 04:01:55 @BhaktaVee The video of him interrupting my 2016 talk is also public, and you don’t have to take my word for it that that’s him. He doesn’t mention artificial curiosity, just predictability minimization.

2024-12-13 22:24:51 Congratulations to @dwf for a great talk. I thought he did a great job of giving credit to all the lab members that made GANs possible and describing how LISA was the right environment to create them as well as summarizing the impact they had after publication.

2024-12-13 22:24:50 I would love to be at NeurIPS but am not because I am disabled by Long COVID. Long COVID is a common disease affecting at least 400 million people worldwide. It can happen on your first infection or on a repeat infection.

2024-12-13 22:24:49 Today GANs got 1 of 2 test of time awards at @NeurIPSConf . Many thanks to my co-author @dwf for preparing and presenting the talk. It’s no easy task to summarize 85k papers in 12 minutes

2024-12-12 01:32:46 Another more specific way people can help: does anyone know if it’s safe to take betahistine if I have MCAS? And does taking antihistamines make betahistine ineffective? https://t.co/NiWBcyktUZ

2024-12-10 01:29:33 @sucholutsky I don’t have any firsthand experience with doctors for Meniere’s outside California, but in the northeast US I happen to have heard good things about Michael Teixido in Delaware. You can probably find someone closer to you though.

2024-12-08 21:13:12 @sucholutsky I didn’t have any significant fluctuations of hearing or new permanent hearing loss for seven months after getting this protocol together until getting POTS. With POTS and under dosing the diuretic the loss is slow but I can’t put my head down

2024-12-08 19:01:32 @sucholutsky Before I got POTS, 1500mg sodium/day diet + 37.5-25 dyazide + 100mg topamax controlled it very well

2024-12-07 17:20:26 I’ll add what I’ve tried here, let’s try to get critical mass https://t.co/xrjskVkbxX

2024-12-07 16:19:38 @ahmad200412340 @jmahajan33 @mariyaivasileva Sure

2024-12-07 00:31:21 @jmahajan33 @mariyaivasileva If you come to the Bay Area I’m happy to sign yours

2024-12-05 00:48:38 @sherjilozair From there I started asking around if anyone in the lab knew game theory well enough to attempt an analysis of the algorithm I had intuited, and fortunately Jean was there

2024-12-05 00:47:27 @sherjilozair One of the craziest pieces of luck in this whole story was that Jean was there. Jean was an intern and had a background in game theory. None of the rest of us did. I knew enough from Tim Roughgarden’s optimization class that this was a game theory problem.

2024-12-05 00:33:26 @sherjilozair @dwf It amused me more than once that it was important to know convex analysis in LISA lab even though deep learning people at the time tended to regard anything convex as “the other faction.” The Boyd book chapter 2 served me well more than once

2024-12-05 00:31:08 @sherjilozair Another big step at this part of the story was moving from a more complicated proof based on functional derivatives to the simpler one based on convexity of KL divergences that we published. @dwf contributed this final step

2024-12-03 21:47:01 @howdataworks GANs was kind of late in the game for me! I had already handed in my thesis, and by that time deep learning was basically working. I really enjoyed the intellectual atmosphere of ~2009-2012 when deep learning didn't really work and all bets were open, solving it was a mystery.

2024-12-02 21:51:21 @BoyntonBrian OK yeah agreed. I’ve been on the low salt diet since before I got POTS and am sticking with it, for the diuretic I switched from dyazide to acetazolamide and am taking the highest dose I can handle, but this still is not enough.

2024-12-02 21:49:59 @BoyntonBrian @138__Actual Yeah I made that mistake once early on, and since then make sure I have a clear plan for how to stick to my sodium diet while traveling. Temptation isn’t the issue, it’s the availability of safe food, but I do things like carry instant meal powder etc.

2024-12-02 21:47:01 @BoyntonBrian It’s hard to know when Meniere’s started but it was causing obvious hearing loss by March 2023. Since it was gradual no obvious preceding cause. Suddenly worsened by a Feb 2023 head injury but it was there before. POTS started after COVID in Aug 2024.

2024-12-02 01:26:12 @BoyntonBrian I am on perfect compliance with the sodium diet. With the diuretic that was enough to stabilize my hearing. With a reduced diuretic dose for POTS, I'm losing hearing. Why do you say to avoid the diuretic?

2024-11-30 19:22:29 RT @Friesein: The time has come for us to recognize aerosol hygiene as a necessity for modern life. To do this, we need engineering contro…

2024-11-30 16:51:50 @0xRafaa @SCTempo Yes, that’s correct, at t=1 there’s no previous term to feed in

2024-11-28 05:26:45 @loscharlos The "personal responsibility" approach does not work. I'm probably the 2nd most COVID avoidant person I know, managed not to get infected to my knowledge until July 2024, and that one infection has totally taken me out.

2024-11-28 05:22:33 @ariccio @cjmaddison got the best paper award at NeurIPS 2014 and my paper that year got one of the test of time awards ten years later. We both got long COVID.

2024-11-25 20:33:12 @ledell Thanks. Yes I’m a patient of CCD. They’re experts on the POTS side but not the Meniere’s side, trying to bridge the gap.

2024-11-25 18:17:28 @smegheart Yeah, I have socks + tights + abdominal binder. Like a full set bonus in Diablo II

2024-11-25 05:18:10 @Shon How do you get access to either one?

2024-11-25 05:12:24 @vRobM I’m open minded, if anyone’s had success with that, even for just Meniere’s w/o POTS, I’d be interested in hearing what they did

2024-11-25 02:29:36 @5cottFive Thanks. Negative for SIBO. Haven't done a SIFO test.

2024-11-17 17:09:19 @deMoya_Elena @dysclinic Thanks

2024-11-16 00:24:56 @dysclinic The link doesn’t work for me

2024-11-14 20:53:53 @GPT_AI_Store It’s a petition asking the National Institutes of Health to fund research on Myalgic Encephalitis / Chronic Fatige Syndrome, one of the worst and most understudied chronic diseases, which currently has no real treatments let alone cures. It’s highly common now because of COVID.

2024-11-14 20:45:37 Looking for just a few hundred more signatures by tomorrow https://t.co/6VVQSIwpyV

2024-11-14 20:45:15 RT @MEActNet: The last day to sign our letter to the NIH calling on the director to fund the ME/CFS Research Roadmap is this Friday, Nov. 1…

2024-11-13 18:43:04 @PaulRKeeble It may also be an AND function where you have to fix more than one thing that’s wrong to see positive results

2024-11-13 01:36:09 I’ve known Rohan since 2014. I’m not an expert on the biology or medicine involved, but I think this study is promising, and makes sense as a way to target viral persistence. https://t.co/sdZbXXdq9L

2024-11-11 00:56:55 RT @michaelmina_lab: Hello @POTUS Election is over. So, now let’s please start taking #H5N1 #BirdFlu seriously 8 months ago was the tim…

2024-11-11 00:45:02 @dysclinic In machine learning we all started putting our papers on https://t.co/gfjwSfR1rn around 2013. We still want to have them accepted to conferences later, but Google Scholar indexes citation counts for the arxiv papers too. This really helped to accelerate the field.

2024-11-08 19:04:52 RT @Clean_Air_Club_: 50+ ways to show up for people with Long Covid &

2024-11-04 22:56:43 RT @Clean_Air_Club_: The EPA just released new guidance on preventing viral spread indoors: Air purifiers Upper-room UVC Increase…

2024-10-28 20:01:55 RT @thephysicsgirl: This is my 3rd Halloween with #MECFS and my 2nd completely bedbound. It's the scariest experience of my life. Can @jons…

2024-10-27 04:49:50 @ShaneyWright There is a rapamycin trial: https://t.co/ZinnlQzL2J

2024-10-26 01:51:01 RT @BlakeMMurdoch: This is one of the most important recent breakthroughs in policy in the US. Connecticut is giving $11.5 million to put a…

2024-10-25 22:27:40 @WonderMicky And on the other side, I enjoyed meeting @WonderMicky and learning more about physics too! She set me up to visit CERN later on

2024-10-24 19:43:54 RT @alvelda: Yes! If we can make this a national movement we can actually end the pandemic, AND proactively protect ourselves from any fut…

2024-10-22 21:06:45 RT @zalaly: I’m thrilled to be one of the speakers at the 2024 inaugural TIME100 Health Leadership Forum in New York City today. After the…

2024-10-18 18:55:19 RT @cleanairschool: "Clean indoor air should be expected as a right, like clean water. The cost of providing cleaner indoor air is low rela…

2024-10-16 15:36:07 RT @alvelda: Tough question. We suffer failed leadership at almost every level: The governments that misguidedly prioritize working over…

2024-10-14 14:32:23 @broadwaybabyto I want N95s in healthcare (for everyone in the building capable of masking not just HCWs) and am constantly delaying / avoiding care due to the risk of another infection.

2024-10-12 20:29:16 RT @zalaly: .@VP needs to articulate a clear and comprehensive plan to address the crisis of #LongCovid. Many Americans like Martha (in thi…

2024-10-11 20:47:27 RT @SawyerBlatz: FINALLY, someone asks a presidential nominee about their plans to help those of us with #LongCovid. Unfortunately the ans…

2024-10-10 02:43:38 RT @mileswgriffis: Opinion: Is it time for an ACT-UP for Long COVID? “The first task must be to break the system–and the broader populatio…

2024-10-05 02:40:17 @howdataworks I was a Stanford student and took creative writing classes taught by Jones lecturers, including @tomjkealey . The Jones lecturers teach most of creative writing at Stanford, which is massively oversubscribed, and are generally beloved by the students

2024-10-04 23:25:19 RT @dysclinic: Additionally, millions of people who are not well enough to work from office are able to work from home and earn a living. K…

2024-10-04 02:56:15 RT @LieslMcconchie: California schools need good HVAC to keep kids &

2024-10-04 01:03:48 Stanford students and alumni, let’s continue to support the Jones lecturers: https://t.co/umSlMI53qf

2024-10-01 03:33:12 RT @RepPressley: For too long, folks experiencing #LongCOVID have had their challenges unheard. Our bill builds on previous legislation to…

2024-09-28 01:58:17 RT @Ilhan: I'm proud to join @SenSanders and @RepPressley in the fight against Long COVID. The Long COVID Research Moonshot Act will alloca…

2024-09-27 00:34:02 RT @GeoffHanmer: In the 19th century, we built sewers and delivered clean drinking water. From the 1970’s, we dramatically reduced air poll…

2024-09-24 18:37:15 RT @oonagh_cousins: My interview on sky this evening. Wasn't expecting so many of the questions to be about the historical context - it w…

2024-09-21 03:14:22 @RobWust @oonagh_cousins for sure, and @jolandaneff does not know for sure whether her breathing difficulties are COVID related

2024-09-20 15:05:19 RT @zalaly: This is very important for people to understand. Immunity against SARS-CoV-2 - wanes/declines/disappears with time (months). Th…

2024-09-15 23:54:24 The MIT Press Open Access fund has a donor providing 4X gift matching this month. If you donate here: https://t.co/Q9BYmUC3Yd it will help the press to develop and freely give away resources like https://t.co/2CkX4R4eEL

2024-09-12 23:01:35 RT @DailyJLee: Summer covid surge, 2024, should be the final nail in the coffin of "population-wide hybrid-immunity" to covid, we just witn…

2024-09-10 21:34:44 RT @michael_hoerger: PMC COVID-19 Forecasting Model, Sept 9, 2024 2/7 The current year-over-year graph on Covid transmission is troubling…

2024-09-10 15:31:44 RT @oonagh_cousins: In the most recent blog for #ThereForMe @JennyWi04810918 shares her experiences from decades of living with and support…

2024-09-10 00:40:59 RT @oonagh_cousins: 1/ In August, 2,600 #ME &

2024-09-09 15:05:10 RT @erbrooker: I'm so happy to be able to share this! It's SLIGHTLY dominated life over the summer - my house is a tip, the kids were aband…

2024-09-06 23:22:14 RT @wsbgnl: CDC has revised a covid color scheme yet again. Compare the darker color used for "very high" last week versus the color this w…

2024-08-23 17:49:44 @CDCgov It would be great to post that we are in a COVID-19 surge right now. https://t.co/FdH4kdf7na https://t.co/NF9DI8injR

2024-08-23 15:41:51 @ktlmld @doctor_zeest She’s saying if you don’t go to the dentist (to avoid getting COVID from having your mask off while they work in your mouth) you might have nasty mouth diseases developing undiagnosed

2024-08-23 03:32:58 @scott_squires Metformin during the acute phase reduces the risk of long COVID by 40%: https://t.co/Ku6sf9I7N5

2024-08-23 03:30:29 RT @funk___engine: PSA: this is probably the best critical period for COVID advocacy we’ve ever seen. If you only look at Twitter it’s a sh…

2024-08-22 22:49:58 RT @jllord: Heyooo. I left GitHub last week to focus on my Long Covid recovery. For an undetermined amount of time. I would love for th…

2024-08-19 23:56:50 RT @dupuisj: To My Unmasked Friend in the Fifth Year of COVID by Anna Holmes https://t.co/NSuOidD8sa

2024-08-19 21:10:42 @broadwaybabyto I’m still here

2024-08-17 02:03:26 @oonagh_cousins was an Olympic athlete when she got long COVID / ME. https://t.co/Q1UvnetBd0

2024-08-17 01:51:15 @broadwaybabyto Looks like Oonagh Cousins has clearly been taken out of the Olympics by post-COVID ME and is now working to raise awareness: https://t.co/50kkA9nDmN

2024-08-16 17:07:20 @drfangirlphd Personally I think it’s worth it. RATs are only positive for 30% of true positive cases these days (for the new variants) so you can’t really trust a RAT negative. PlusLife is very accurate, similar to PCR.

2024-08-16 17:03:02 @drfangirlphd You know how for a rapid test you have to put 3-6 drops of test solution into a card? For PlusLife there are lines showing you how much to fill up the card and you have to go above the bottom line, below the top line. That’s the only hard-ish part.

2024-08-16 17:01:22 @drfangirlphd It’s harder than Cue was before Cue was shut down, but not much harder than a rapid test.

2024-08-15 21:04:26 @einsums You should talk to your senator and representative about repealing Utah Republican Orrin Hatch’s 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act

2024-08-15 21:01:01 RT @SenSanders: Nearly 18 million adults and 6 million children suffer from Long COVID. The time has come to start treating the Long COVID…

2024-08-15 20:48:11 @drfangirlphd I have one, what would you like to know?

2024-08-15 18:05:40 @einsums @eyal_eg @harryadav3 Yes, I already have my foundation of training in the field and don’t need to read broad introductory books anymore

2024-08-15 17:39:07 @pmagrass @DailyJLee The latest Nature article says 400 million people have long COVID: https://t.co/2cXdjlpnTT

2024-08-13 23:12:33 @ChrSzegedy “Sterile compounds” is a good point.

2024-08-13 21:13:48 @ChrSzegedy My interpretation of those sentences is that infusions of those substances are included in the set of things that are banned, not that only infusions are banned

2024-08-13 19:53:41 @DailyJLee We need the CDC to be independent like the Fed

2024-08-13 17:58:37 @ChrSzegedy Where are you seeing that specified? Even if restricted to infusions, those are still important use cases, e.g. for people who can’t absorb B12 by digestion.

2024-08-13 16:14:38 @proales Then do that. This is banning them without making a regulated version available.

2024-08-11 22:52:35 @ChatDoc783 Glad they’re working well for you :)

2024-08-11 22:51:00 @ChatDoc783 Yes :)

2024-08-11 02:49:51 @scott_squires Do you have leads on the others? What happened to them?

2024-08-11 01:54:07 @scott_squires Is this what you’re referring to? https://t.co/tKUENYZpah Hadn’t heard of it before, very interesting

2024-08-11 01:33:09 RT @LieslMcconchie: Reasons Why '24-'25 School Year is THE Most Important Year to Advocate for Better Indoor Air Quality in Schools. (Se…

2024-08-08 19:27:28 @DmitriyLeybel https://t.co/VqxBdrUfTX

2024-08-08 19:03:17 Today is #SevereMEDay to raise awareness of myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome. ME/CFS existed before COVID, one of my high school classmates had it, but today it is a quite common consequence of COVID infections. https://t.co/gLqYZ3brWK

2024-08-05 02:36:53 @AndrewG76201347 @broadwaybabyto 6% more men leave was the original flawed result. After fixing the coding error only 6% of marriages in this population ended in divorce overall, and the effect of which spouse was the chronically ill one wasn’t statistically significant. https://t.co/kNRuhkL9TB

2024-08-05 00:40:53 @broadwaybabyto The paper that found that more men leave their wives when the wife becomes ill than vice versa was based on a data analysis error (people who left the study were accidentally counted as divorced) and has been retracted: https://t.co/11lckDzzhg

2024-08-04 04:30:05 If you’re unfamiliar with long COVID, this thread from @SalvMattera about his experiences makes it clear why it’s so important to fund research to better understand, treat, and cure this disease https://t.co/0aO8nFXACp

2024-08-03 01:06:59 RT @zalaly: My Statement on the introduction of the Long COVID Research Moonshot Act #LongCovidMoonshot I fully support this bill and urge…

2024-07-21 22:44:35 @maksym_andr @PandaAshwinee @furongh As one of the co-inventors of adversarial training I endorse Carlini’s take. The issue is not so much which attack transformations are allowed, the issue is using average case benchmarks when an attacker will not randomly sample from average starting points

2024-07-17 18:24:03 RT @guardrails_ai:  We’re thrilled to launch our #1 most requested feature till date — Guardrails Server. With Server, users can setup a…

2024-07-16 18:41:05 I don’t know for sure if this will be discussed, but I’m excited for Max Welling’s materials science startup, focusing on carbon capture https://t.co/ahV61ngGdw

2024-07-13 18:45:20 RT @VitalikButerin: Plane be like... Me be like... We really need to clean up our indoor air, but until then thank you @zhouliang_mask! h…

2024-07-11 18:36:17 RT @pfau: Very cool paper from my colleagues at DeepMind and EPFL, building on our work using RL for fusion. They used RL to show you could…

2024-06-30 17:02:27 @CamiloBAcosta @rak_garg It doesn’t say they’re moving to NY, but the article has data on many Bay Area counties including more suburban ones and they show huge outflows too

2024-06-21 19:39:17 @OkbaLeftHanded @ylecun @Mankaran32 I wouldn’t be surprised at all if for example one of the Theano developers like James Bergstra had been training neural nets on CUDA before me though. Software / infra was undervalued in academia and just not published nearly as much

2024-06-21 19:36:49 @OkbaLeftHanded @ylecun @Mankaran32 I definitely wasn’t the first to do neural nets on GPU and the MSR work is the earliest I know of. I might’ve been the first to train neural nets on *NVIDIA CUDA* if we care about brand history rather than technical approach

2024-06-19 17:38:22 @AlexGDimakis I haven’t read the paper but I think the basic idea is that the shots that hit the target tend to be in the mode of the distribution and the shots that miss tend to be in the tails of the distribution, so low temperature sampling discards more bad moves than good

2024-06-19 15:15:53 @Samhanknr @AlexGDimakis That’s not literally the idea in the paper just an intuition builder. The paper is more about how you can get a similar effect via low temperature sampling

2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX

2023-03-10 23:01:50 RT @_akhaliq: Scaling up GANs for Text-to-Image Synthesis present our 1B-parameter GigaGAN, achieving lower FID than Stable Diffusion v1.5…

2023-03-10 00:32:32 RT @D_Berthelot_ML: New paper TRACT - Faster diffusion model sampling - Single-step diffusion SotA for CIFAR10 and ImageNet64 with L2 loss…

2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-02-27 16:27:01 RT @vijaybolina: Come join me at @DeepMind to help ensure that tomorrow's AI systems are built with safety, security, and privacy in mind…

2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-09-27 20:02:44 I enjoyed working with Yao on adversarial examples. She's passionate about teaching and would make a great advisor for anyone who is considering grad school in deep learning right now https://t.co/Zi2A2Ac8il

2022-09-16 19:07:51 RT @DeepMind: Internship applications are now open! This year we have opportunities across various teams and offices Apply today via h…

2022-08-03 14:29:13 I am also in California and will spend some of my time collaborating with this team :) https://t.co/kXBjUyBqRD

2022-07-06 11:05:40 I'm excited to announce that I've joined DeepMind! I'll be a research scientist in @OriolVinyalsML 's Deep Learning team.

2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-03-12 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2022-01-17 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2022-01-11 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-12-27 08:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-11-06 23:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-11-06 16:26:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-11-02 04:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-11-01 19:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-11-01 17:30:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-01-28 03:04:53 RT @AndyDRC: A4 In the context of vaccine distribution, California leadership needs to listen to people under 65 w/ high risk disabilities… 2021-01-28 03:04:53 RT @AndyDRC: A4 In the context of vaccine distribution, California leadership needs to listen to people under 65 w/ high risk disabilities… 2020-12-18 23:51:27 @jm_alexia Congratulations! 2020-12-18 23:25:58 RT @realSharonZhou: Excited to teach GANs @Stanford this winter! - Come like Monet, without lifting a brush - Come visualize the effects… 2020-12-16 02:15:06 RT @katebaumli: Happy to share that the preprint for Relative Variational Intrinsic Control, an unsupervised method for learning relative,… 2020-12-05 00:43:19 RT @GoogleWalkout: We stand with @timnitGebru. We call on Google Research to strengthen its commitment to research integrity and to unequiv… 2020-12-03 18:35:19 @joemeno Yeah, that's me :) 2020-12-03 17:14:49 RT @timnitGebru: I was fired by @JeffDean for my email to Brain women and Allies. My corp account has been cutoff. So I've been immediately… 2020-12-01 18:50:42 This is really cool. Some of my PhD labmates worked on ML for compression back in the pretraining era, and I remember it being really hard to get a compression advantage. https://t.co/oZmbMXMxcN 2020-11-22 16:34:13 RT @OncelTuzel: Our group @Apple AI/ML is looking for research interns to conduct innovative research in multiple areas of AI/ML field. If… 2020-11-17 23:37:49 The Self-Organizing Conference on Machine Learning is returning as a 100% online event for 2020. Nov 30-Dec 4. It will still be small to maintain the group discussion feel. Apply at https://t.co/99gVaqmhJd 2020-11-17 02:11:58 @andrew_n_carr @pfau ...and I was a bio major until I took his CS221 class, so this path leads back to Andrew too, just less directly 2020-10-07 22:17:43 @SebastienBubeck This looks interesting! I've had an intuition that small parameter solutions have to be more brittle but haven't been able to formalize it like this. Have you thought about connections to double descent? 2020-10-03 17:31:32 This exciting new PyTorch library includes quite a lot of the GANs I've featured in my talks over the past few years, all in one place! https://t.co/mQGrRN4Iq3 2020-10-03 17:30:38 RT @liu_mingyu: Introducing #Imaginaire a #PyTorch library with optimized implementations of several #GAN image and video synthesis methods… 2020-09-25 02:23:40 RT @AndrewYNg: @goodfellow_ian, @AnimaAnandkumar, Alexei Efros, @realSharonZhou and I will be speaking at GANs for Good, an online panel, o… 2020-08-29 16:58:38 In our previous collaboration's I've benefited a lot from using David's machine learning frameworks. If you're a researcher or student looking for both simplicity and customizability, definitely check out Objax. https://t.co/si8glTP5CQ 2020-08-28 01:53:41 RT @ShreyaR: Our AI/ML residency program is here!! I'll be a resident host on @goodfellow_ian's team at SPG. Please apply, or spread the… 2020-08-27 22:38:57 @nuttyrahul Yes, do apply. 2020-08-27 22:38:03 @chriscanal4 Yes, they'll get to work with me personally. Remote work is possible in the short term but the expectation is that when COVID conditions are better this will be a Santa Clara position. 2020-08-27 22:35:02 @vandersonmr_ My group isn't taking interns right now but there are a lot of other great ML internship opportunities around Apple and I'm generally available to chat with interns from other teams 2020-08-27 22:31:40 Apple now has an AI/ML residency program! I'm looking forward to working with our first class of residents. https://t.co/KcQnPbpt2f 2020-08-25 21:56:37 My team is hiring ML/RL infra engineers: https://t.co/JqxwOrJziC 2020-08-25 00:07:50 @jaschasd @pfau @negative_result @duck @sschoenholz @ethansdyer @dwf If you train an fc layer with conv constraints, then continue training with the constraints removed, does sgd actually make the model get worse? Or just can’t find the good solution without constraints but preserves it once found? 2020-08-25 00:06:03 @jaschasd @pfau @negative_result @duck @sschoenholz @ethansdyer @dwf That’s very interesting. You can think of a conv layer as just fc with linear constraints during optimization. Weird that some information is accessible to constrained optimization but not to unconstrained. 2020-08-24 01:42:51 @jaschasd @pfau @negative_result @duck @sschoenholz @ethansdyer For the maxout paper, @dwf got a SOTA on CIFAR10, using ZCA whitening. But the ZCA was regularized by adding a constant to the diagonal of the covariance matrix. Is that enough to be out of the scope of your claim? 2020-08-07 00:18:26 Please consider donating to https://t.co/rxT8z8gKsW . They provide food, water, masks, and sanitation supplies to people in very remote parts of the Navajo Nation, which has been hit very hard by the COVID pandemic. 2020-07-31 19:16:24 @_joaogui1 Adversarial examples 2020-07-31 18:59:27 Updating some slides from last year. “&gt 2020-07-14 18:25:44 RT @MrRennaker: I'm incredibly proud to introduce Apple Scholars: PhD Fellowships in AI and Machine Learning! Congratulations to our first… 2020-05-21 21:21:54 David has released a new paper from an old collaboration. Glad to see it out! https://t.co/U6oEjtwe2y 2020-02-19 16:34:21 RT @YaoQinUCSD: Excited to share our ICLR2020 work with @nickfrosst, @colinraffel, @sabour_sara, Gary Cottrell and @geoffreyhinton in det… 2020-01-24 18:05:57 When I invented adversarial training as a defense against adversarial examples, I focused on making it as cheap and scalable as possible. Eric and collaborators have now upgraded the original cheap version to compete with newer, more expensive versions. https://t.co/FibrmF18Zn 2020-01-23 19:07:28 RT @dwf: Very glad to share this on arXiv today: one weird trick for getting Q-learning to work when the action space is big and complicate… 2020-01-22 16:53:45 @jm_alexia the new causal GAN paper isn't out yet, right? 2020-01-22 16:39:29 The quiet semisupervised revolution continues https://t.co/FAY4v9aHbe

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